19 dic 2006

The blues of bleh

I'm feeling not so fine

not so fine, yeah!

Bleh, baby, bleh! That's the way I feel!

Half my day on bed,

I shouldn't have gone to work today!

What I did there was fine, baby

but, why oh why should I feel this way?

Pain, baby, pain! And mucus!

And antibiothics, ooooooh yeah...

Today in the morning... my car was open!

No circulation cards! They were stolen!

No other thing I carried within, gladly...

and where are all the rhymes in this song?

Aw yeah, baby, give me your sweet (prescription) drugs

and put me to sleep...

(trumpet solo)

3 comentarios:

[ashen lady] dijo...

its supposed to be sad, but it put a smile on my face... should do blues more often, you are good!!!

hope you are better and that you can make it today :)

joe dijo...

jajajajajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, que bello blues!!! es decir, es triste, pero eso es un blues!!! ya tiene musica???

Marcos Legaspi dijo...

what a looooosy day.